How Would Trump Make America Great Again

Before condign President of the United States in 2016, Donald Trump promised he would "Make America great once again".

Four years have passed since Mr Trump entered the Oval Office and began steering the Usa in a dramatic new direction.

In the eyes of his supporters, he's the commencement president in history to actually follow through on his campaign promises.

Just does that mean Mr Trump has "made America great"?

Information technology depends on who you ask.

Wellness care

Since 2017, Mr Trump has been talking up plans to overhaul America's healthcare organisation and supervene upon it with his own "less expensive" version.

This includes repealing the Affordable Intendance Act, known as Obamacare, which made health care more than affordable and expanded coverage to include Americans with pre-existing atmospheric condition, like cancer.

Fans of Donald Trump have been attending his entrada rallies in droves ahead of the Usa Ballot on Nov 3. Photo: Getty

Simply and then far, all Mr Trump has done is remove i section of the police force as part of a large tax-cut package in December final year.

He besides hasn't provided any particular on what his own healthcare proposal would look like, nor when it would come into effect.

At a time when America'due south new daily coronavirus infections are surging well beyond 60,000, affordable access to wellness care has never been more than important.

Already, more than than 231,000 Americans have died from the virus – a devastating record that Mr Trump has consistently downplayed.


Among Mr Trump'due south central 2016 promises was that he would supercharge the American economy like never earlier.

His aggressive plan comprised of generous corporate taxation cuts, deregulation, new merchandise policies and a strong stockmarket.

And to an extent, he succeeded.

During his kickoff 3 years as president, the US enjoyed higher employment and a GDP growth rate of three per cent.

But has Mr Trump really created the "best economy in history", equally he likes to merits?

Not exactly, said Kim Hoggard, a former adviser to Republican presidents Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush.

"Trump likes to say he'southward grown the all-time economy in history, only even pre-pandemic, he hasn't delivered a growth rate or Gross domestic product growth rate better than (his predecessor, Barack) Obama," she said.

"The commencement three years of task growth were less than Obama'due south last three years – and Obama was coming off a global financial crunch."

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Ms Hoggard, a non-resident fellow at the University of Sydney'due south United States Study Centre (USSC), said information technology was true that unemployment reached a record depression of three.five per cent in December.

But again, she said unemployment nigh got down to 3.5 per cent under Mr Obama anyhow.

"They're good numbers – three.5 per cent is a proficient low unemployment number, but that was pre-pandemic, and even and then it was not overly impressive," she said.

Foreign relations

From the very beginning, Mr Trump made it clear his 'America Kickoff' approach to foreign policy would prioritise the needs of the U.s. above all else.

And that'due south exactly what he did – merely whether or not that'south a good thing is up for fence.

During his beginning year equally president, Mr Trump snubbed some of America's most loyal allies by withdrawing from several major international agreements.

Among them was the Trans-Pacific Partnership, an of import costless trade agreement with 12 countries, excluding China, that promised to boost U.s.a. exports and economic growth.

Mr Trump also withdrew from the Paris Agreement, a United nations-led initiative aimed at strengthening the global response to climate change.

And in 2018, he pulled out of the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran, undermining hard-won efforts to contain Iran'due south increasingly threatening nuclear programme.

But what did all this actually reach?

To the average working American, not much.

In a historic move, United states President Donald Trump met Kim Jong-un in Korea'due south demilitarised zone in 2019. Photo: Getty

"Trump's 'America Showtime', isolationist approach to strange policy and trade may sound practiced to Americans who experience like they've lost their jobs to workers overseas – but we haven't really seen jobs coming dorsum to his America," Ms Hoggard said.

I notable accomplishment for which Mr Trump tin can have credit is not starting a war with whatsoever new countries, said Dr David Smith, a lecturer in American politics and foreign policy at the USSC.

"That's significant considering just about any other president before him opened up a new theatre of war – even Obama with Libya," he said.

"His actions might lead to war with Islamic republic of iran, but during his presidency so far, no new wars."

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Dr Smith added the president had also managed to persuade members of NATO, an intergovernmental military alliance, to commencement paying a higher percent of their Gross domestic product on defence – something that Mr Obama had long complained about.

"It's 1 of those rare examples where Trump got other countries to change their behaviour," he said.

"It could've been to the advantage of the US if Trump cutting military spending, simply he didn't. He increased war machine spending."

Climate change

Contrary to Mr Trump'southward claims that America has the "cleanest water" and "cleanest air", the President has "completely failed on climate change", Ms Hoggard said.

"In fact, he's taken the country backwards in addressing climate change," she said, pointing to his swift withdrawal from the Paris Agreement.

"1 of the starting time things he did was sign an executive order that said for every new regulation introduced, two must be removed, as part of his economic programme.

"That agenda has removed limits to greenhouse gas emissions, and lifted bans on oil and gas exploration on public land and on the coastal waters off the east declension of America."


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